Wednesday Jan 05, 2022

Leon Tompkins - Timing Markets and other Trading Hacks

“There is never more money made than just sitting tight with good positions.” Leon Tompkins

Leon Tompkins is the founder of the Tides Group, a registered investment advisor in the state of California. Leon has years of experience managing investments having worked for multiple organizations and clients among them being World Vison International. He currently lives and works in La Jolla, California.

In today’s episode, Leon will talk about his experience that led him to trading and managing clients’ investments. He will also be giving tips and insights on how best people can engage with the market and trade wisely.

Listen in!

  • I try to figure out what it is that drives companies from three different angles, the most important being financial health.
  • Secondly, I tie between how much they're growing and able to grow their top line, and how much they're able to manage that.
  • There is a couple of fairly predictable things that people can watch when trading.
  • First, when people get scared, the prices go down which means it is time to be buying.
  • The other thing is when people are so bearish, which means that they think the market is going down, and that happens to coincide with the price of options, then that tends to be a very good time to get involved in the market.
  • Before pulling the trigger on investment decisions, people need to first consider that one, when investing in stock market, you're looking at a company and not a product that you like.
  • The other thing is to be patient when you're buying and to always buy when they're giving you a little bit of an edge. Don't chase things.
  • FOMO which stands for Fear Of Missing Out, is such a big part of the way some people invest but more often than not, there's a lot of people taking advantage of people that will pay too much for stocks.
  • Another thing to know is that in a bull market, the second day downs, and this means that it is a pretty good time to buy.
  • Another one is don't add to your losing positions but rather add to your profitable positions.
  • You should always guard your profits because that is your money and the world is full of guys that almost had a great one.
  • The other thing is to let your winners run and don't take them off unless they start moving against you hard.
  • There is never more money made than just sitting tight with good positions

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